Judenites win at the Double Ten Online Chinese Singing Competition
CategoriesNews and Events
Congratulations to Judenites Danika Louise Dy & Jared Lucas Xu who both won the second place, and Adeline Caryl Po won the third place in the Double Ten Online Chinese Singing Competition 2021 hosted by Filipino-Chinese Cultural Economic Association and Culture Center of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines.
恭賀天主教崇德學校許伊晗和李穎宜兩位同學榮獲2021年雙十節線上華語歌唱比賽二等奬, 王怡英同學榮獲三等奬。 本賽由菲華文經總會和菲華文教服務中心主辦并由菲華培青學會和文經教師聯誼會協辦。
加油,Saint Jude!