The Office of the Human Resource aims to do its best in the furtherance of the School’s Commitment to Excellence, working towards a better quality service to the Judenites community, and one with all in living out the School’s motto, Witnessing to the Word in the world.
Furthermore, the Office envisions that Saint Jude Catholic School is truly a school that cares and lovingly responds to the needs of its human resources by providing the following services:
Hiring and Recruitment
Training and Development
Employee Benefits
Wellness Program
Appraisal System
Retirement and Termination
Contact Information
Office of the Human Resource
2/F Administrative Office, Administrative Building
Saint Jude Catholic School
327 Ycaza St., San Miguel, Manila
Trunk Line Numbers: 735.6386 / 733.2325
Local Numbers: 240 / 187 / 188 / 232
Email Address: hrd@sjcs.edu.ph
Office Hours
7:15 am – 4:15 pm
8:00 am – 11:00 am