Nurturing the Chinese–Filipino Heritage
One of the objectives of the school is to nurture and promote the students’ unique Chinese–Filipino heritage as embodied in the two–pronged curricula and programs which develop their understanding, competencies and pride on their rich cultural identity toward greater respect of multicultural diversity, universal solidarity and sharing in the transformation of the world.

Saint Jude Catholic School sees education as a holistic undertaking that strives for the complete formation of the human person for the common good of society. Children and youth are to be nurtured so that their physique, emotional maturity, social awareness and skills, cultural awareness and sensitivities, morality and intelligence are developed simultaneously and in harmony. The school understands that parents and those who take their place have the fundamental and inalienable right to the education of their children.
Nonetheless, it likewise believes that the Church also has a role in education, this role being founded on its divine mission to assist all men and women in their efforts to achieve the fullness of Christian life. By educating the youth, Saint Jude Catholic School carries out the missionary task of the Church and the specific charisma of the Society of the Divine Word to proclaim the mystery of salvation to all peoples and renew all things in Christ. From the founding generations of the school, the two-pronged curricular programs in English Basic Education and Chinese have been distinctly developed.
These programs mold youth through a formative process that interweaves and the appreciation of cultural heritage. Out of this process, socially responsible leaders and active agents of change, especially from the Chinese-Filipino Community, will emerge ready to contribute meaningfully to the transformation of society.

Saint Jude Catholic School promulgates rules and regulations that are needed to govern the behavior of its members. We believe that for a school such as SJCS to function effectively, a healthy school atmosphere must be developed and maintained conducive to the promotion and preservation of academic freedom and effective teaching and learning.
The highest standards of academic excellence are the hallmarks of our educative endeavors. Such excellence is not a state to be achieved, but rather a perpetual determination to become better. We commit to regularly re–examine and strengthen our academic programs to make them relevant and responsive to learners’ needs and the changing times.
A person who is Christ–centered has deep respect for the dignity of persons and recognizes that each man and woman is interrelated with each other and with the environment. Being Christ–centered also means living a life of prayer and being charitable and hopeful. With Christ as the center of our lives, we will be able to achieve the total transformation of the world with our committed witnessing to the Divine Word imbibed through our practice of the Christian faith, morals and values.
Our desire for excellence and performance requires a binding commitment of all that we have and all that we are in pursuit of our goals. Commitment implies giving everything. It is a rejection of indifferences and requires an undivided heart. It means not compromising our principles and ensuring that we remain dedicated and true to our purposes and mission.
Saint Jude Catholic School is successful in its mission of educating the youth and spreading the Word of the Lord if its students and alumni live lives dedicated towards service to others. Living lives in the service of others captures the truth of love and happiness one dedicates himself towards what is best for others. The school believes that personal growth is meaningful only if it is focused on unselfish service, especially to the less fortunate. In being of service to others, we should commit not only to help uplift the human person’s quality of life, especially the less fortunate and under–privileged, but also to build Christian communities. Saint Jude Catholic School will ensure that our service ethics manifests a strong sense of responsibility, accountability, efficiency and professionalism.

Inspired by the charism and spirituality of the Society of the Divine Word, Saint Jude Catholic School strives to achieve the following:
1. Develop holistically each student, the endeavor to encompass all domains – physical, social, emotional, intellectual, cultural, moral and spiritual faculties – through the application of integral, comprehensive, and developmental programs which enable students to have sound foundations in achieving standards of learning, and acquiring competencies, and discipline for a fuller and responsible participation in the local, national, and global community.
2. Provide religious instruction, spiritual formation, and moral guidance to the young anchored on the Gospel teachings and values which revolve around a profound love for God, a deep respect for people, and unselfish service to the community and the environment.
3. Nurture and promote the students’ unique Chinese-Filipino heritage as embodied in the two-pronged curricula and programs which develop their understanding, competencies, and pride on their rich cultural identity toward greater respect of multicultural diversity, universal solidarity, and sharing in the transformation of the world. Promote actively the SVD missionary charism and spirituality with its focus on prophetic dialogue with the poor and marginalized, with people of other faiths and cultures, with faith seekers, and those with other ideologies, with the school serving as a locus of dialogue, solidarity, and charity.