The Guidance Office designs and implements development programs to help students mature more holistically as they move through the different learning stages. The guidance counselors provide such services as counselling, test interpretation, and individual inventory. They also make themselves available to faculty members and parents/guardians for collaborative discussion on School and family matters.

Location of the office: 3rd Floor Fu Shen Fu Bldg.

Guidance Office Objectives

For the Primary Level (K to Grade 2)

  • Aid the students in their adjustment to a new environment through adequate information and guidance for academic success.
  • Help the students in acquiring a better knowledge of their own strengths by identifying their talents and skills.
  • Assist students in learning appropriate behaviors that will enhance their existing values and prepare them in their relationship with others.

For the Intermediate Level (Grade 3 to 6)

  • Assist the students in their interaction with members of both sexes through knowledge, acceptance and appreciation of their own uniqueness.
  • Give instruction and various activities to students that can help them develop the application of proper communication skills for academic success.
  • Help the students set realistic goals through knowledge of their priorities.

For the Secondary Level (Gr.7 to Gr.12)

  • Assist the students in their search for identity by providing an avenue for them to recognize, express and share their unique traits with others.
  • Provide situations for the students that could help them interact well with others through socially responsible behavior.
  • Aid the students in setting realistic goals by giving them opportunities that could help them plan ahead and discover their own strengths and limitations.
  • Expose the students to different career opportunities that would guide and help them decide intelligently, carefully and wisely on what courses are best suited to their abilities, aptitude and interest.
  • Orient the students on what to expect in college for a smooth transition from high school to college life.


Ms. Terry O. Tan, RGC, PhD
Guidance Head
Ms. Aira Pauline Rizelle R. Centeno, RGC
Mr. Al-Khalid D. Umpa, LPT
Mr. Alvin V. Baltazar, RPm
Ms. Marjorie Ann V. Lopecillo, LPT
Mr. Sean Solomon Cheng, RPm
Ms. Shiella Mae T. Perez, RPm
Mrs. Charmaine Rachelle Lim
Admissions Officer
Ms. Zyrene Trisha Claros, RPm
Admissions Officer
Saint Jude Catholic School
327 Ycaza Street, San Miguel, Manila 1005

+63 2 735 6393 loc 204, 203
+63 9162448919

Guidelines for Referral

When do I refer?

  1. If the concerned teacher or school personnel has already done necessary interventions and has coordinated the student’s concern with the class adviser but the negative behavior still persists;
  2. If there are indications of abuse, suicide attempts, family problems, depression, sexual preoccupation, distorted view of self or other unusual behaviors;
  3. If the students’ behavior warrants a case with the Prefect of Discipline. The counselor talks to the student after OPD investigation.
  4. If there are reports of death in the family (grief) or threat to life (e.g. calamity, etc.) which requires psychological intervention.
  5. Cases that requires crisis intervention.

Crisis Intervention

This involves traumatic circumstances experienced by a student which deserves immediate action on the part of the school. (e.g. victims of abuse, grief, suicidal ideations and intentions, etc.)

Guidelines for Crisis Intervention

1. Adviser or school personnel upon knowing of the incident should immediately report the case to the Guidance office. If there are bruises found on the student, the child should be brought first to the clinic for check-up and documentation before being brought to the Guidance for counseling.

2. The counselor counsels the student and reports the case to the Guidance Head.

3. Depending on the gravity of the case, the Guidance Head either immediately talks to the parents of the child or refers and discusses the case to the Principal.

4. After further deliberation of the case, a proper intervention is made for the student.

Guidelines for Referral

1. After the teacher or school personnel have taken the necessary interventions for the student, the teacher or school personnel may refer the student to the guidance counselor.

2. The teacher or school personnel fills up 2 copies of the referral form (located at the Guidance Office) and submits the form to the level counselor.

3. The counselor talks to the teacher or the school personnel about the details of the referral.

4. The counselor presents a call slip to the teacher in class and excuses the student from class.

5. The counselor counsels the student and signs the call slip indicating the time the counseling session finished.

6. The student gives the signed call slip to the teacher upon entering the class.

7. The counselor discusses possible interventions and action plans with the teacher or class adviser.

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