The Office of Human Resources is tasked with overseeing the implementation of the School policies concerning the management of human resources towards achieving the School’s goals.
Through the Administrative Division Head, it assists the Director in planning, implementing, and evaluating faculty and support personnel development programs.
It is directly responsible for facilitating the recruitment of new personnel, facilitating orientation to all employees, and safekeeping of all records and documents of employees.
The Office of Human Resources aims to do its best in the furtherance of the School’s commitment to excellence, working towards better quality service to the Judenite community and one with all in living out the School’s motto, “Witnessing to the Word in the world.”
Furthermore, the Office envisions that Saint Jude Catholic School is truly a school that is conscientious and responsive to the needs of its human resources by providing the following services:
- Talent Acquisition (Hiring and Recruitment)
- Learning and Development (Training, Development, and Wellness)
- Total Rewards (Compensation and Benefits)
- Employee Relations
- Appraisal System
To provide service in the areas of human resources that will support the School achieve its mission, the Office of Human Resources endeavor to:
- Ensure that all employees’ information and documents are protected and appropriately filed for all intended purposes.
- Ensure continuing growth of all school personnel through various seminars, training, and workshops.
- Review and develop policies needed for the daily operation of personnel-related issues and ensure that common standards prevail throughout the school.
- Provide an accessible and responsive service to all school personnel and administrators.
- Develop and implement human resource strategies to address personnel recruitment and retention issues, equal opportunity and equal pay systems, reward and motivation, and the progression and development of personnel.
- Provide advice and support to administrators and personnel on health, welfare, grievance, or disciplinary matters.
- Promote and coordinate smooth inter-departmental linkages and communication that are personnel-related.
- Oversee the implementation of the employment contract, performance ratings, and disciplinary sanctions.
MR. ROMMEL A. VILLAS [loc. # 240]
Human Resources Officer
- Employee Relations
- Hiring and Recruitment
- Learning, Development and Wellness
MRS. LAURIE LESLIE L. TAN [loc. # 188]
Total Rewards Associate
- Employees’ Daily Time Record (DTR)
- Legislated Benefits Correspondent
HR Assistant
- Pre-employment Examination Facilitator
- Employee Performance Appraisal System In-charge
- Liaison Officer
- HMO Filing and Updating of Employee Records
- Learning, Development and Wellness Program Assistant
Contact Information:
Office of the Human Resource
2/F Administrative Office, Administrative Building,
Saint Jude Catholic School
327 Ycaza St., San Miguel, Manila
Trunk Line Numbers: 8735.6386 / 8733.2325
Local Numbers: 240 / 187 / 188
Email Address: hrd@sjcs.edu.ph
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM