Judenites reap awards at Biosciences Convention 2021
Judenites reaped awards in this year’s Biosciences Convention held virtually last November 20 and 27, 2021.
Chiara Bernadette Tan-Gatue, Kian Colin Chua, and Daphne Lauren Bernardo, all from IBDP 1A, bested out almost 60 teams from all over the country to secure our back-to-back championship in the Annual Biosciences Quiz Bee. Chiara also received the top scorer award in the elimination round.
In a remarkable first, another Judenite team secured a second podium finish. Walsh Nico Adrian Letran, Kei Hang Derek Chan, and Alexandra Brianne Gochian, all from 10C, bagged the second runner-up award.
The Biosciences Quiz Bee challenges students in terms of their theoretical knowledge and problem-solving skills in molecular biology, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and earth science.
Meanwhile, Princess Angela Ang (10C), Jillian Dominique Yu (SHS 1B), and Erin Sophia Mauricio (IBDP 1A) secured a slot in the top five of the Pitch Competition with their proposal Lokaligtasan. Their proposal introduces a mobile application that consolidates existing technologies involving the digitalization of medical transactions.
The Biosciences Convention was organized by the UP Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Society. Mr. Russel Odi served as the coach of the Judenite teams.
Congratulations, Judenites!